A collection of vivid, thought-provoking snapshots that explore the complexities of human experience, the contradictions of modern life, and the tension between instinct and societal norms. Each line serves as a meditation on the varied dimensions of existence, from the mundane to the profound, often tinged with a sense of irony or dark humor. The poem traverses themes such as depression, memory, survival, and the instincts buried beneath the comforts of contemporary living. It challenges the reader to consider how deeply ingrained behaviors and rituals—whether rooted in cultural training, survival instincts, or the necessity of routine—shape our understanding of identity and belonging.

The work also delves into the conflicts inherent in human nature, such as the struggle between following societal expectations and embracing primal instincts. It touches on the often unnoticed but significant impact of seemingly small actions and decisions on one's mental state and sense of self. The juxtaposition of trivial and significant moments serves to highlight the fragility and unpredictability of life, as well as the ways in which we cope with or avoid confronting deeper existential truths.

The poem’s structure, a series of vivid vignettes, allows for a fragmented yet cohesive exploration of these themes, each line acting as a standalone reflection while contributing to the overall narrative of human struggle, survival, and the search for meaning in a world that often feels disconnected from its own primal roots. The imagery used is both visceral and relatable, making abstract concepts tangible and emotionally resonant.

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even Christian parents never assume,

even after years of dead-end searching,

that it might have been a rapture event

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