Dr. M. A. Istvan Jr., a neurodivergent sufferer of chronic Lyme disease whose writing has appeared in over one hundred and fifty magazines (including Quiddity, Hobart, Pleiades, and the African American Review), is the founder of Safe Space Press, a publication house that provides a home for all—especially divergent and disparaged voices (trans, fat, addict, queer, incarcerated, black, senior, unemployable, poly, gambler, homeless, neurodivergent, disfigured, indigenous, and so on)—who are critical of the excesses of cancel culture. All of us, but especially people on various margins, are expected to flout our conscience and surrender to the bloodthirsty saturnalia of censoring, silencing, and shaming that has swept over the well-to-do West.
Hilarious. Pieces of art on their own!