Un Peuple qui Trafique de ses Enfants
Let's workshop this poem, which concerns the unjustified rage against great figures of European culture in the name of a big-money lie in white supremacy's continued reign
Un Peuple qui Trafique de ses Enfants Just as cretins now vandalize Voltaire statues in the sleep-tight name of “A big fuck you to our thriving white supremacy” (despite, yes, his culture-quaking writings on the stupidity of racism and on the immorality of slavery), perhaps future cretins will utterly dismiss a cherished black artist-philosopher of today, tearing down her statues and banning even music and books of hers unrelated to meat, merely because she ate factory-farmed meat— or better yet, to make it more closely parallel our nonsense today (like the blacklist we see from the British Library), merely because she, a level-five vegan whose ethical writings proved integral to factory farming’s abolition, had a relative (distant in both blood and spirit) who happened to inherit stock in a company that had once engaged in factory farming.
This poem is unpublished (especially because the poetry world is chockful of these sickos)
Photo: history.com/news/10-things-you-should-know-about-voltaire