Super Strength (Round 2)
Let's workshop a poem that worries about the black destruction blooming from the narrative of black people as helpless victims of white supremacy
Super Strength The hobbling belittling narrative of blacks as such helpless victims of an omnipresent white supremacy that their dignity can be realized only in performances of petulance, in cries for special dispensations (handouts and lowered standards; shelter from anything “unsettling,” such as from the “neurological trauma” of hearing merely the soft-r n-word from white mouths merely quoting or of hearing even just whatever they insist “invalidates” their truth; even freedom to have their turn to participate in inhumanities on grounds that the only remedy for discrimination is discrimination)— for that narcotizing narrative, for that money-grubbing lie, to be sold to the world as “Antiracist” (such that blacks who call it out as the blight on black agency it is are mocked as “Uncle Clarences afflicted by ‘internalized whiteness’”) is more ironic than “Nubian Pride” as the name for a black beauty line specializing in hair-straightening and, of course, in skin-bleaching.
This poem is unpublished