MADE FOR YOU AND ME 1: hive Being (Stanzas 2016—part 9)
Let's workshop this stanza sequence, which includes episiotomies, UFOs, swigs from milk cartons, freedom petitions by slaves, black swagger in burger commercials, tomboy romance, crusty panties
a land of people offended to extremes of vengeance by mere disagreement in the sweet spot her panties always go tock-tock the search for life there introduced life there ice-skating on Europa the spitting mouths of desolate seniors, powerless in the face of looming oblivion, abusing their nurses with racial epithets both are in people’s lives in times of crisis, but our view is that firemen come to save whereas cops come to disrupt, hurt, cuff, kill at least with her death you are free to take swigs straight from the milk carton offers of water, coffee, sandwiches even to get the installation man to stay as you grope for something to say the desire to invigorate whale-hunting unconscious among those whose lives are moored to its violent opposition the tomboy tore gum from her mouth and, once he began to chew, no hesitance remained about holding hands among the trees afflictions awaiting a name miscarriages in jars of rubbing alcohol the phrase “there is no excuse” used as an excuse hand jobs on church-camp busses praising lesser ones after spotting a great one to deny what we spotted enlisting in the war to report the sufferings of boots on the ground being asked the time as you check a watch that does not work where does the preacher go, how does he live, when not on his corner? in our lungs and eyes, ash goes unseen in the air— how did it come to this? perineum fist-knuckle bloodless from crowning pressure, the cut distant (as if on the crotch of your jeans) a twilight zone where all are so caught up in their own productions and performances that they are indifferent to everyone else’s a loggerhead crisis in our time of victim outrage when the term is prevalent in Black English Vernacular (and thus sacrosanct) and yet is a “heteronormative slur” in the LGBTQ community saving, for what? discomfort with a fact does not mean that fact is not true, despite what our consumer culture insists upon taxidermy is construed as a pathetic attempt to hold what is gone, as if our stuffed selves were not our selves—simply in a new phase dwelling on histrionic conspiracies is the go-to distraction from hunger when street romance is not forthcoming the Crawford mark of beauty, nauseating to wake up next to each day: brown, topographic hiding from, while spreading fear of, death simply by talking about it always with the unfazed coldness of an academic if hidden hands cover up UFOs, and stop us from falling off Earth’s edge, then at least something is in control and watching out for us are you one to be destroyed by the understanding that all labors are destined for extinction? feigning disarray and retreat float tank diarrhea shout out to the local judges centuries back who, doing what little they could, approved the freedom petitions slaves brought to court ♫“All beef patties with pickles”♫ sung spoken-word black suave in the McDonald’s commercial
This is a portion of an ongoing mosaic poem called Made for You and Me. This portion is from the first installment: hive Being (Stanzas 2016-2020). More specifically, it is from the 2016 portion of that five-part work.